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The exhibition Leonardo in Rome. Influence and heritage [Leonardo a Roma. Influenze ed eredità], curators Roberto Antonelli and Antonio Forcellino, is organized with the support and sponsoring from the National Committee for the Celebration of the 500th Leonardo da Vinci death year (MIBACT) and Intesa Sanpaolo, and is realised by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Fondazione Primoli. The exhibition concerns Leonardo’s visit to Rome with his pupils, it tries to reconstruct Leonardo’s influence on the art produced at that time and how he was influenced by the Roman environment. The artist went to Rome and lived in the Vatican building as a guest of Giuliano dei Medici, whose brother was Pope Leo X (1513-1521), between 1513 and 1517. Following this he moved to France where he died.
Subject of the exhibition is the relationship between Rafael and Leonardo during his stay in Rome, the influence they experienced by each other and by the ancient Roman art. In the context of Rafael’s frescos (Loggia di Galatea and Loggia di Psiche) the Gioconda Nuda of the Primoli Foundation, which is most probably a painting based on Leonardo’s drawing, will be put on show with some of Rafael’s famous female portraits. Moreover an antique iconographic source will be exhibited as possible source of inspiration for both artists.
The topic of Leonardo’s influence on art during his stay in Rome will be presented through the exhibition of some of Leonardo’s iconographic subjects such as Leda and the Swan or Saint John in paintings belonging to Roman museums. Some of them are well known among the scholars as pictures of Leonardo’s pupil, some not, and were never earlier related to Leonardo’s art.
The exhibition will take place in Villa Farnesina in Rome, a quintessential building of the Roman Renaissance which was decorated when Leonardo was in Rome. It is scheduled in the period September / December 2019.

For the occasion three paintings from the collection of Roman Museums will be restored. The restoration will be realized by the Istituto Centrale del Restauro (ICR) of Rome (MIBACT).
Finally a reconstruction of Leonardo’s studio in the gardens of Villa Farnesina will completed the exhibition.


Comitato scientifico: G. Parisi (Presidente Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), Roberto Antonelli (Vicepresidente Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), A. Quadrio Curzio (Presidente emerito Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), M. Brunori (già Vicepresidente Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), M. G. Bernardini (Storica dell’arte), L. Calzona (Galleria Borghese), R. Ciardi (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), A. Forcellino (Architetto, Restauratore, Studioso indipendente), M. Forcellino (Università di Utrecht), C. L. Frommel (Emerito Biblioteca Hertziana, Accademico dei Lincei), M. Kwakkelstein (Prof. ordinario Università di Utrecht, Direttore Istituto Olandese di Storia dell’Arte, Firenze), D. Laurenza (Ricercatore, Università di Roma III), A. Paolucci (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), G. Regoli (Socia nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), P. Podio Guidigli (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), A. Sgamellotti (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), S. Taglialagamba (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne), L. Tomasi Tongiorgi (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), C. Vecce (Prof. ordinario Istituto Orientale di Napoli), F. Zöllner (Prof. ordinario Università di Leipzig), A. Zuccari (Socio nazionale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei).

A cura di Antonio Forcellino e Roberto Antonelli
Progetto: Antonio Forcellino e Maria Forcellino

Roma, Villa Farnesina

Date: 3 october 2019 – 12 january 2020


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  • Event Date: 3 Ottobre 2019 - 12 Gennaio 2020
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MiBAC - Via del Collegio Romano, 27 00186 Roma - comitato.leonardo@beniculturali.it