Inside the Villa Medicea in Cerreto Guidi, house to the Historic Museum of Hunting and Territory and prestigious hunting residence commissioned in 1556 by the grand duke Cosimo I de Medici, the exhibition develops from the famous code De arte venandi cum avibus by Frederick II, going through medieval falconry and the naturalistic studies by Pisanello and the Lombard School. The exhibition itinerary allows us to underline the important role that hunting, as well as bird hunting, has had in ancient society, so much so that we recognise it in Leonardo’s studies on birds’ flight and nature.
Location: Villa Medicea in Cerreto Guidi – Fucecchio, Museo Civico
Category: Exhibition
Date: 14 september 2019 – 7 january 2019
Promoting Organisations: Unione dei Comuni
Scientific Directors and curator: Cristina Gnoni Maverelli, Mario Scalini, Roberta Barsanti
Partner: Comune di Cerreto Guidi